​Kenner Business Association Policy Manual
This policy covers non-member attendance at events:
Policy: Nonmembers may attend three (3) networking (non-paid) events before becoming a member. If the nonmember chooses not to join the association, a $10 fee per event will be charged. Sign in sheets will be utilized at each networking function to maintain an accurate attendance count. This policy will take effect June 1, 2022.
This policy covers fees for members vs non-members:
Policy: The fee for nonmembers for the lunch meetings will be at a higher cost to not only encourage the attendee to join but to cover the lunch cost of the meeting and the fees associated for complimentary meals. The fee can be voted on by the board and increased on an as needed basis.
RSVP guarantees and cancellation guidelines for all KBA events:
Policy: Board members are automatically included in the guarantee count for the bi-monthly lunch meetings. If you are unable to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility to inform the president and reservations committee chair/chairs that you will not be attending and to remove you from the guaranteed numbers. The last day that you can opt out without charge is the Friday before the meeting. If you do not inform the president and committee chair/chairs by the deadline, you will be invoiced for the price of the luncheon.
If you have made a reservation or RSVP for any function for the Kenner Business Association, you will have up to three business days prior to the event to cancel without penalty. If you have responded yes to a function but are included in the reservation count for a table that has been purchased for the event, you must let the president/reservations committee know this information to keep our guaranteed numbers correct. If you RSVP and change your reservation at the door to be included in a reserved table, you will continue to be charged for your initial reservation cost.